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German Films

AIDS: Die grossen Zweifel

Co-Produktion von TSR und ARTE
arte-Doku von Djamel Tahi, ausgestrahlt am 14. März 1996

Die Aids Rebellen

Ein deutscher Dokumentarfilm aus dem Jahr 1992
Die Filmbewertungsstelle Wiesbaden verlieh dem Film 1991 das „Prädikat Besonders Wertvoll".

English Films

House of Numbers

Ein neuer Dokumentarfilm, Erstaufführung März 2009, Filmfestival Nashville,
in Europa erst 2 Mal gezeigt, Cambridge Film Festival und Radar Hamburg Film Festival
4-5 Personen, die in dem Film vorkommen, sind während des Kongresses anwesend.

Interview mit Prof. Luc Montagnier, dem Entdecker des HIV, Ausschnitt aus dem Film House of Numbers

'We can be exposed to HIV many times without being chronically infected. Our immune system will get rid of the virus within a few weeks, if you have a good immune system'

The Other Side of AIDS

Ein guter kritischer Film

Deconstructing The Myth Of AIDS (Gary Null)

The Immunity Resource Foundation
The Immunity Resource Foundation is a registered charity offering a digitised information base on medical and scientific issues. The IRF website features regular contributions from scientists and journalists about the AIDS debate, challenging the HIV/AIDS hypothesis, and provides access to the AIDS and medical archives of Meditel Productions and Continuum Magazine.

German Links

Über die wissenschaftliche AIDS-Kritik
HIV ist nicht die Ursache von AIDS.
Sämtliche HIV-Test- und -Nachweisverfahren sind unfähig eine HIV-Infektion anzuzeigen.

Ist HIV wirklich die Ursache von AIDS?
Eine verrückte Frage? Ist denn nicht längst zweifelsfrei bewiesen, daß HIV die Ursache von AIDS ist?"Nein!" behaupten viele Wissenschaftler, Ärzte, Journalisten usw. Diese Kritiker glauben nicht an ein tödliches Virus namens HIV. Sie behaupten, daß das Virus in Wahrheit völlig harmlos ist. Die meisten von ihnen sind der Überzeugung, daß AIDS nicht sexuell übertragen wird. Außerdem würden viele AIDS-Patienten an den giftigen Wirkungen der Anti-Viren-Medikamente sterben. Ein Teil der Kritiker stellt sogar die Existenz von HIV in Frage.

AIDS- und Seuchen-Mythen
Zu den Themen, mit denen sich auch ansonsten kritische Menschen schwer tun, bei denen sogar beim überwiegenden Teil der Linken bürgerliche Positionen kritiklos nachgebetet werden, gehört ganz wesentlich AIDS.


Schweinegrippe, Vogelgrippe, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio - Wie die Medizin-Industrie ständig Seuchen erfindet und auf Kosten der Allgemeinheit Milliarden-Profite macht

Ludwik Fleck
«Denn Erkennen ist weder passive Kontemplation noch Erwerb einzig möglicher Einsicht im fertig Gegebenen. Es ist ein tätiges, lebendiges Beziehungseingehen, ein Umformen und Umgeformtwerden, kurz ein Schaffen.» Ludwik Fleck, «Zur Krise der 'Wirklichkeit'» (1929)

"Entstehung und Entwicklung einer wissenschaftlichen Tatsache" 1935

Ganzheitliche Behandlung von Krankheiten
Die Cellsymbiosistherapie® nach Dr. med. Heinrich Kremer ist ein weltweit neues Therapiekonzept. Informationen zur wissenschatlichen Solidität und zum therapeutischen Nutzen finden

English Links

VirusMyth: a web site maintained by Robert Laarhoven, documenting the HIV/AIDS controversy. Former home to the Rethinking AIDS web site.

Rethinking AIDS (RA) is a voluntary, open-membership association of people who have signed the petition agreeing that “It is widely believed by the general public that a retrovirus called HIV causes the group diseases called AIDS. Many biochemical scientists now question this hypothesis. We propose that a thorough reappraisal of the existing evidence for and against this hypothesis be conducted by a suitable independent group. We further propose that critical epidemiological studies be devised and undertaken.”

The Perth Group HIV-AIDS debate web site. Contains an extensive amount of scientific and popular publications including debate on the existence of HIV, Mother to Child Transmission, HIV tests.

John Lauritsen's "AIDS" pages -- challenging AIDS orthodoxy since 1983 -- author of "The AIDS War" and "AZT: Poison By Prescription"

The Truth Barrier
Truth, like a cat, jumps at a particular moment, on its own terms, when nobody is looking. They've conditioned us to look steadfastly, in a collective trance, only at the "reality" created by their bubble-makers — by their industries, ideologies, mass beliefs, mass trivias, and mass fears.

“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.” — Groucho Marx (Hank Barnes)

Reduce the burden is an idea, a website, and a social movement whose aim is to improve the lives of AIDS patients worldwide, by improving understanding of the over-simplified and often incorrect publicly advertised AIDS diagnosis.

We are Living Proof
We are living proof that HIV does NOT cause AIDS, if HIV even exists at all: A website by and for HIV-positive people who reject the pharmaceutical-industrial-complex driven HIV=AIDS paradigm.

HEAL London
HEAL London is a non-profit voluntary organization whose primary purpose is to provide support and education to people diagnosed HIV+ or with illnesses that have been classified as AIDS. It is run by people whose lives have been affected by HIV+ in one way or another.

David Rasnick, PhD
25 years experience with proteases and protease inhibitors. Worked for 20 years in the pharmaceutical industry developing protease inhibitors for tissue destroying diseases: cancer, emphysema, arthritis, parasitic diseases.

How Positive Are You?
Become enlightened and empowered with astonishing facts you won't find in the mainstream media. This weekly program gives insight into the real meaning of headline AIDS news, shares remarkable personal stories from people directly affected by tests and treatments, and offers thought provoking interviews with doctors and scientists from around the globe who challenge conventional thinking on HIV, AIDS and health.

HEAL - Health Education Action Liaison – At HEAL, We are thriving in spite of a deadly diagnosis! You can too...

New AIDS Review

Paradigms and power in science and society

Comparing mainstream claims in science and technology and received wisdom in society with the published record, we defend honest, accomplished, independent minded and often heroic scientists and their good science against the mudslinging, false arguments, ad hominem propaganda, overwhelming group prejudice and internal science politics of the paradigm wars of cancer, HIV/AIDS, evolution, global warming, collider physics, health, medicine and nutrition, measuring truth only by the professional and scholarly literature in peer reviewed journals, well researched books, and the investigative reporting and reviews of thoughtful and informed if often unconventional academics, philosophers, researchers, scholars, authors, and journalists too often scorned, shortchanged or damned by publicly irresponsible scientists and other authorities living off the status quo, their running dog lackeys among old media editors, unthinking science reporters, pharma activists and other invested parties, and their misguided congregation of politicians, officials, charity workers, foundation staff, celebrities, and the confused but trusting general public who assume that leading scientists are not subject to the laws of human nature.
Honest inquiry after truth, which is the noblest calling of the noblest men. – Arthur Schopenhauer
What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out, which is the exact opposite. - Bertrand

Information that raises questions about the accuracy of HIV tests, the safety and effectiveness of AIDS drug treatments, and the validity of most common assumptions about HIV and AIDS.

Alive & Well's San Francisco chapter, with exclusive information on Dr. Heinrich Kremer, an extensive scientific library and FAQ

An introduction to HIV tests, links to relevant scientific literature, podcasts, interviews, video, newspaper and magazine articles, and much more.

A growing number of true-life stories of HIV-positives who are living healthy and happy lives without HIV medications. [Visit Site]

Janine Roberts' Sparks of Light: In-depth investigative research and journalism with the Web Inquirer (founded 1995), dedicated to health of body, spirit, and world [Visit Site]

Toronto chapter of Health Education AIDS Liaison (HEAL)

The AIDS Info BBS Database, in operation since 1985

The Alberta Reappraising AIDS Society

Roberto Giraldo's web site, featuring a wealth of AIDS information in both Spanish and English, as well as references to resources in many other languages.

A Dutch AIDS web site ("Andere Kijk" is Dutch for "Different Perspective"), also featuring Dutch translations of Rethinking AIDS material

JohnnyK's (John Kirkham) AIDS Dissident Infobase, dedicated to the many lives (both HIV positives and negatives) being destroyed across the world every day by the dogma that HIV is the cause of AIDS